
My Wife Is A Super Model

My Wife Is A Super Model

My wife is a super model.  Personally, I also think she is a supermodel; but my point today is that she is a super model for our children.

As the father of two daughters, I watch my wife model the disciplines and behavior of a woman called to Christ.  She does it daily, with grace, under the constant demands from a toddler and the moodiness of a tweenager.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26)

Over the years and through each stage of childhood, my wife seems to have a remarkable understanding of what our daughters need to take the next step in not only their emotional development but also their spiritual growth.

The true blessing to our children is that they see their mom live out her faith.  There is no “do as I say, not as I do” in our house because their mom does what she says and asks no less from them.  She models Proverbs 31 so that as they grow older, they better understand their calling as a child, teenager, and young woman in Christ.

As an observer to this fantastic process, I have witnessed five steadfast traits that my wife models to our daughters:

1. Humility

My wife admits when she is wrong.  On the rare occasion when she overreacts or loses her patience, she takes the time to pull our child aside and ask her for forgiveness.  While that may seem insignificant to some, I see the fruits of her humility when my daughters disobey but return to us to submit a humble apology.

2. Honesty

If we have a zero tolerance policy on anything in our house, it’s dishonesty. My wife is as transparent and honest as they come.  There’s no hidden meaning or agenda.  You truly get what you see.  This has been modeled so well that sometimes our oldest daughter can be a little too honest with her thoughts and responses. You can read more about that here.

3. Modesty

Let me make one thing clear.  My wife is sexy.  But I’m the only one who knows it – as it should be.  I want my daughters to be modest as well so they capture the heart of their spouses because of their fear of the Lord.  We may be called old fashioned for this stance, but I’m okay with that. “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)

4. Vitality

My wife models to our children that our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.”  She eats well and has no vices (except maybe sugar…but she’s working on that!).  She keeps her mind, body and soul sharp by reading, exercising regularly, and studying scripture. She teaches our kids that our bodies “are not our own”  by modeling the desire to take care of what God has entrusted to her.  (1st Corinthians 6:19)

5. Piety

The use of this word is not common anymore and when it is used, it’s often in the context of a very dead and empty faith.  However, the definition of piety is “the quality of being reverent.”  My wife shows reverence for God by reading from the Bible aloud with our children during breakfast each morning, praying with them when they have anxiety, or sharing with them the story of salvation.  My wife is pious in her daily walk with Christ.

Growing up, guys dream of having a supermodel wife.  God’s dream for us is to have a super model wife.  In my eyes, I am blessed to have both.

Peace and Blessings,


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  1. Mitchell, I love the title and message of this post. Thank you. I feel the same way about my wife. I have 3 boys and 1 little girl and their mom teaches them so much every day just by being with them.

    1. Andy, thanks for sharing your comments. We are certainly blessed to have wives who love God and share that love with our children!

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