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4 Ways You Bless Your Children by Telling Your Story

Do your children know your story, are they able to celebrate the work and testimony of God in your life? Our stories are important, and when our children learn how God has moved in our lives, they are able to enter into God's story for their own! Here's how to begin to share all the great things HE has done.Everyone has a story. As a matter of fact everyone who has walked the face of this planet has a unique, beautiful story knit together by God that only they can tell.

Growing up around a lot of Japanese women I (Carlie) had the pleasure of hearing a lot of oral history about my heritage that I wouldn’t have known any other way. Growing up in the 1970’s and 1980’s in America there wasn’t an accurate history told of my Japanese ancestry – it was filled with revisionism and politics. The stories told in Japanese that would fill my head and heart would become a large part of who I became as a woman and how I related to society. Stories of love, prejudice, and war. Stories of overcoming obstacles in the 1930’s-1950’s, and having great faith. And I am so thankful for these stories. All of them.

As a young African-American boy growing up I (Mike) remember being told stories by my grandfather and dad that taught me that I always had to work hard, especially as an African-American man. I can recall countless times when both my dad and grandfather shared with me their personal stories of being hired on jobs that weren’t open to most African-Americans simply because of their hard work ethic. The stories they told during my childhood helped inspire me to become a diligent, hardworking man. These stories gave me the confidence and guidance I was seeking and needed to help me grow into the man I’ve become.

And to this day we both believe that it is imperative that you tell your children your story. Whether you tell your story by writing a book, recording a video, or simply sitting them down and sharing, here are 5 ways you bless your children by telling them your story.

4 Ways You Bless Your Children by Telling Your Story

It helps empower them.

In Revelation 12:11 the Bible tells us, “They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony; for they did not love their lives but laid them down for him.” Telling our story, our personal testimony, is a key component in the victory we have over the enemy. And it will help empower our own children in their lives to see us not only live our life submitted to Christ, it will also empower them to hear our story. When they are young our children see us as mom and dad – but as they get older our story will impact them in greater ways as they grow and mature.

It leaves a legacy of faith.

As you tell your story it leaves behind a legacy of faith. When your children watch how live and how you handle the adversity that comes your way it will build their faith. How? Simply because they will see the Word of God in action. They will learn about love, forgiveness, sorrow, joy, peace, and diligence all woven in the very pattern of your life’s story. They will see you rise and fall and get back up again. They will watch how God’s Word takes hold of your heart and transforms you from the inside out.

It inspires them.

Both of us recall the inspiration that we received as our parents and other family members and friends have shared their personal story with us over the years. Carlie has always been very passionate about encouraging moms to share their story by writing a book. Mike is constantly encouraging fathers to tell their story to their children as they constantly seek to win their hearts.

It gives them hope.

As your children watch you navigate through life and marriage together they can’t help but gain hope from your story. Your story will offer them a special kind of God-given hope that only you can give them as their parent. We believe that this hope can help carry them through some of the rough times ahead as they grow into the people God has called them to be. And if we are being honest, we can all use some hope every now and then.

We believe that by sharing your story with your children you will bless them tremendously. We encourage you to not withhold who you are and where you’ve come from in communicating with your children. There is no shame in your story, remember that. Let God use your story to speak life and wisdom into your kids!

In His Great Service,

Mike & Carlie Kercheval 
Fulfilling Your Vows™
& Learning to Speak Life Books™

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