
How are You Spending Your Summer?

Pulling into the parking lot of our local donut shoppe, my boys and I spotted our pastor in the window of the donut store. He was sitting at a tall table covered with papers, his laptop, two pairs of reading glasses, and the avocado toast he was enjoying for breakfast while working on Sunday’s sermon.

We ordered our batch of donuts and headed over for a quick hello before bolting into the busyness of the morning.

"Isn't summer great?" A question that can easily change your mindset on summer. How are you spending your time with your kids? Just trying to rush through the days, or truly enjoy your time with them? Here are some helpful tips to really love summer and the extra time you can spend with your family.

He looked up and smiled at the boys and I remarking, “Isn’t summer great?!”

Had it been a mom friend, I would’ve probably made a snarky comment about how it depends on the day and how many fights I have to referee.

But I thought I’d behave myself since it was the pastor and merely joked about how the boys were off for a day of fun and not to be surprised if he saw me pulled over for speeding trying to get all three boys to their activities.

“Isn’t summer great?!”

That question echoed in my mind for hours.

Not because I couldn’t answer it, but because of memories of summers past.

Summers as a toddler mom meant a continuation of every other day. The only difference between summer and the other 9 months of the year was the actual weather. Now when the kids wanted to go to the park, it was HOT. Wrangling a sweaty not-ready-to-leave-the-park-even-though-we’ve-been-here-for-2-hours toddler in a 5-point harness makes crocodile wrestling look easy.

There were summers of mud. Did you know that sweat + dirt = mud? My boys were no strangers to dirt. We didn’t make mud pies, my boys were the mud pies.

There were summers when we spent every single day at the pool so the boys had something that would entertain them and exhaust them at the same time. I swear we didn’t stop smelling like sunscreen and chlorine until October.

Then there were UFC summers. My children could not get along for 5 minutes without fighting. ‘nuff said.

But the truth is… I really love summer with my boys.

My answer to the question, “Isn’t summer great?” is YES! YES, it is!

I love the freedom that summer provides us. Freedom from structured routines. Freedom to sleep in, go with the flow and spend time together.

I greatly enjoy being with my kids, spending time with them, and just getting to hang out with them.

But I also know how easy it is to let the days slip by without really being with them.

This brings me to ask you this question…

How are YOU spending your summer?

Where is your time going? Are your days with your kids slipping away or are you enjoying summer with them to the fullest?

Let’s be honest, chores never end. There is always housework to do, meals to make, and laundry to wash. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Work never ends. As a parent making ends meet, your job doesn’t take a break for the summer. Your hours are as long and constant as ever.

So how do you fully enjoy summer without feeling guilty that something isn’t getting done or that you’re missing out on fun with your family?

Schedule your time.

While that concept almost seems the opposite of how we want our carefree summer to feel, being intentional with your time will help you create more time for the things that really matter in your life.

God even advises us to be cautious with our time.

  • Ephesians 5:15-16  “So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time…”
  • Colossians 4:5 “Behave wisely toward outsiders, making the best use of your time.”
  • Psalm 90:12  “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

As a SAHM and WAHM, I never imagined how critical scheduling my time would be.

But by doing so, I am able to create more time with my kids. I am able to be fully present with them… at ALL times of the year.

We play games together, bike ride together, do service projects together, and just enjoy one another.

My friend, isn’t this what we all crave… connection with the ones we love?

I challenge you to spend your summer well. To fully live it and enjoy it!

(BTW, I’ve mapped out an easy and amazing summer plan for you in my free 30-DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE! 30-days and 30 ways to connect with your kids this summer! 65+ adventure prompts, a customizable 30-day agenda, and tips to help you better balance your to-do list with your want-to-dos. Think more family time and less housework!)

I hope when you’re asked, “Isn’t summer great?”, you too will say, “YES! YES, it is!!!”


Moms, do you ever just want mom life to be easier? Alisha helps moms simplify their lives, homes, and calendar! Visit MsAlishaCarlson.com for ways to stop living in survival mode and create space for what really matters in your life! Also, be the first to know about Alisha’s new course, Simplified. If you’re ready to revamp your calendar & commitments, routines & relationships, mental health & home, this program will renew your spirit, ease your stress, and allow you to live a life you truly love!

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