
How to Start Family Devotions

Family Devotions: How to get started

Family devotions.

Some of you might cringe at the term, remembering stale times around the dinner table listening to a passage of Scripture you didn’t understand and waiting impatiently to finally be able to eat! If that was your experience, let me assure you, that is not what family devotions need to be!

God has given me a passion for His Word, so spending time together as a family in His Word during our devotional time is important to me. However, family devotions isn’t the only component of spiritually investing in our kids. Family devotions is only a piece to the puzzle, but it is an important piece that can be a catalyst for helping our kids learn and love God and His Word. 

As important as it is to me to have consistent family devotions, I haven’t always known how to implement them. 

What do family devotions look like? How often should we engage in family devotions? How do we get started? As we continue to add to our family and as the kids grow and change, the way we do family devotions changes, but here are some ideas to help you get started.

1. Start simple.

If I set a goal of waking up an hour earlier each morning, the most effective way for me to change my habit is to start incrementally. Going cold turkey will only result in exhaustion, failure, and that pervasive feeling that I will never be an early riser.

You could replace the goal of waking up earlier with beginning a running program. If I want to start running, gradually increasing my speed and distance will result in greater success and longer lasting change. Attempting to run five miles (or maybe even one!) right out of the gate is a sure fire way for disappointment, failure, or even injury.

The same can be true of family devotions.

When I first started planning our family devotional time, I imagined elaborate activities followed by deep conversations around the Word of God. Visions of eager-to-learn, compliant, calm children hanging on my every word filled my mind.

What a set-up for disappointment!

My kids are kids! Changing the kids’ routine and our expectations of them is better done gradually and with intention rather than suddenly.

So start small. This will look different for each family, but it may mean you

  • start by having family devotions 1x-2x per week or
  • set a goal of spending 10 minutes each morning reading a Bible passage and praying together or
  • jump start your family’s devotional time by using a devotional centered around a holiday, like Easter, to build momentum or excitement.

It’s okay to start small. Just start somewhere! 

2. Be realistic.

As you plan your devotional time together, consider the age and activity level of your kids. Some people learn best or focus better while moving; others need stillness and quiet. Some kids will listen more attentively while coloring a picture.

Adjust your activities, the resources you use, and the time you spend according to the needs of your kids and your family. Remember how old your kids are and try to choose age appropriate activities to help engage your children in the Word of God. I’m not beyond stretching the kids to grow, but understanding my kids’ abilities, interests, and learning styles calibrates my expectations and helps me as I plan.

3. Set a time.

We all know how hectic life is. In our home, if we don’t intentionally set a specific time to gather together, family devotions gets overlooked or crowded out.

Look at your schedule and see what fits best and then make family devotions part of your family’s rhythm. Perhaps it’s every Sunday evening or on Saturday mornings; maybe family devotions happens right before bedtime or around the breakfast table. Find what works best and seek to be consistent.

4. Have a plan.

Your plan doesn’t need to be elaborate, but having an idea of what you’d like to focus on or what you will do during your family devotion time is helpful. If any supplies are needed, gather them ahead of time.

I have found that if I’m not prepared, I’m more likely to skip family devotions all together or I’ll lose the kids’ attention while I’m scrambling to gather what I need.

Remember however, that though we may have a plan, God may speak in a way we hadn’t planned! Sometimes the kids will have questions and your conversation may go in a different direction or God might prompt you to sing a song or read a different passage or do something different than you usually do — that’s okay! A plan is helpful, but we want to follow the Spirit’s lead.

 5. Aim for transformation, not just information.

While it’s wonderful for our kids to know Bible stories, remember Bible facts, and retain information about the Bible, our goal in family devotions is not just for our kids to retain information. We want to see life transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit of God! 

We cannot manipulate God or force the Holy Spirit to work, but we can ask Him to be at work in and through us and in the hearts and lives of our children. God does not only speak to adults — God speaks to children, too! Part of our responsibility in leading our children spiritually is helping our kids listen to and respond to the Holy Spirit of God.

Don’t complicate this important time together. Ask God to guide you and go get started!

With you for His glory,



Question for you:

What advice would you give others who are just beginning family devotions?


Resources for You:

If you have young kids –> Resources for Family Devotions — over 20 different resources to help your family spend time together in God’s Word

If you have elementary/middle school kids –> Our favorite resources for Family Devotions

Grab a freeSurprisingly Simple Plan for Family Worship here!


Flickr Photo Credit: kate hiscock slightly everything {original photo without text}



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  1. I have a 2 and a 4 year old. We started family devotions right after dinner using the A BEKA flash-a-cards. We review all the previous cards and add 1 card a night. We started before Christmas with the Christmas cards and are still going strong. They have been great to spark questions and comments by by 4 year old through out our days. Basically, I can testify that your points have worked well for us!

    1. Kim where did you get the A BEKA flash cards? Do you mind sharing? I have a 4 year old and 2 year old also

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