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When Parenting and Productivity Take Priority Over Jesus

I have a list. A long, never-ending list, with sub-lists and bullet-points, that keeps me focused on what needs to be done. My list keeps me on track, helps me to prioritize, and get things accomplished. I am the one who makes it all happen around here. I’m the coordinator of this family. Productivity is a job requirement.

I love my list. It’s a pretty important part of daily life. This itemized directory is my constant companion. Honestly, I believe I am a better parent because of my list. Therefore, I keep it close at all times.

Oh alright, my list is a crutch! If it weren’t for this paper and pencil keeping me in check, I’d never complete anything.

If I’m being honest, I feel like this cheat sheet encourages me to strive for perfection. At the end of the day, I want to be perfect for these babies God has given me.

That’s the problem. Flawless parenting is unrealistic, a distraction keeping me focused on myself and my own efforts. I’m not focused too much on God and my relationship with Him when I’m trying so hard to kill it as a mom.

Do your children see your dependence on Jesus...or on a list of things to-do? Sometimes, our desire to stay organized can begin to manage our hearts. Discover why getting everything done is not God’s top priority for you, and learn what’s at the top of his list.This list and all the success and accomplishment it offers is my idol. Being an impressive mom is my idol. Perfect parenting is my idol.

I worship productivity. I worship my children. I worship myself.

Focusing on being a productive parent is not as important to God as it is to me. Checking all the things off the list is not as important to God either. God has called me to a holy connection with Him. My relationship with Jesus should be the most important. Constant communion with Him is vital.

Getting it right with the children is a little further down on His list of priorities.  He wants a relationship with me, not a flawless performance of parenting.

Jesus has the wisdom I need. He has the grace and mercy too. His holy Word has all the encouragement, correction, and divine intervention necessary to parent these children well.

As a Christian parent, the main goal should be to direct my children towards the cross of Jesus Christ. They need a mom who can tell them about salvation, forgiveness, eternal life, and everlasting peace. Staying close to my Savior is the only way to do this successfully.

My children need to see a woman clinging to Jesus, not her list.

Sincerely called and unapologetically unqualified,

Angelene Woodard, www.unqualifiedmom.com

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