
No Need to Worry About the Future

As our kids grow up and the world continues to change, it is easy to worry about the future of our children. However, our job as Christian parents is not to worry because we have a God that walks beside our children into their future. He's laid His hand upon them and guides their way!

No doubt, the world is changing. And not necessarily for the better.

Being a Christian parent in today’s world is daunting, frustrating, and discouraging. Honestly, I’m deeply concerned about our future and the future of our children. My children. Your children.

Christian America feels like it’s being strangled out by weird ideas and beliefs. Trying hard to instill Biblical values in my children seems like a pointless effort. Society’s disturbing ways are snowballing uncontrollably as the minutes tick by. Most days, I do not understand.

I’m a mama who does know how stinkin’ fast my kiddos are growing. I see it. I feel it. I mean, my oldest is just weeks away from being a teenager. Will that big, bad future eat him alive and spit him right out? Because that’s how it feels.

And so, I pray for him, his future. His future wife. His future children. Most of the time my prayers come from a place of fear and trepidation. Deep concern and an unfamiliar sorrow.

Yet, the Lord is patient with my unbelief and offers grace when I need it most. Time creeps on, the children grow up, and I know my Father is right in the middle of this messy mess with us. He reminds me of His presence. And having Him right here… isn’t that enough?

Psalm 139:5-6 says You go before me and follow. You place a hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. (NLT)

God has been with us in the past, He’s with us even now, and He’s promised to go with us into the unknown future. And that’s not all! He has laid His hand upon us with the never-ending Presence. Touching lives directly. Intentionally.

God’s hand. The Creator’s hand. The Almighty King of the Universe has His powerful hand on us.

This is a promise that not only applies to me. But it applies directly to my children as well. You. And your children.

His hand is upon our children. His hand has been upon our children and it remains so. He walks beside them into their futures. He not only guides their way, but He gives blessings.

My job as a Christian parent is not to worry about the future. Honestly, my job isn’t to even try to prepare my children for the lunacy the future may hold. My job is to teach my children about Jesus. His presence. His love. My job is to expose them to His truth. And show them how a scared-half-to-death mama clings hard to the only One who can help.

One day soon, they will have their chance to pray their own prayers for their own future. A future that is marked by the Hand of their God. It is too wonderful. I cannot understand.

Love and blessings to you and yours,

Angelene Woodard

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