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He’s Working In Your Moments

In hard seasons of life, it often becomes difficult to remember that God is working for our good. The truth is, the best and worst moments are used for His purpose! God has a purpose in all things and all seasons.

She leaned in a little too close, putting her wrinkled hand over mine. “You know dear, God’s working all things together for good.” Her words fell on me, intended for good and seasoned with truth but nevertheless, heavy in the moment.

It was one of those hard seasons life brings. I’m sure you can relate to a certain degree. Whether it’s the challenges of parenting, a marriage that has become mundane, finances that bring strain, or relationships that are messy. Life can often leave us feeling weary and wondering, God, are you really in this?

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

But do remember – God cares, you are not forgotten, and God is working for good.

Consider the life of Joseph as a powerful example of God’s involvement in our lives. His brothers sold him into a life of slavery and at times, I’m sure he thought his life was spiraling downward. I would bet that there were many instances where Joseph wondered if God had forgotten Him. (Check out the story of Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39 for example.) As we read the story of Joseph we see that God was with Him through every moment. He gave him favor and prepared him up for an ultimate position where He could be used in a powerful way. Joseph says in Genesis 50:20:

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

If we as Christians believe that God is working all things together for good, even in the difficult things, what does that mean for the already good things in our life?

The Puritan preacher Thomas Watson once asked this very question: “If the worst things work for good to a believer, what shall the best things?”

The best things in our life, the good times, the seemingly easy times, the happy moments, the joys, the wins, God is also using those things too! He’s using it all, your good seasons and your bad. Goodness and mercy follow you, in the valley, and on the top of the valley too. (Psalm 23:6)

How would your life change if you lived like you believed that He is has a purpose in all things? Maybe there would be more peace and rest in every season? Perhaps our awareness of what God is doing in and through us would bubble over in anticipation and excitement? Maybe one day we would be able to proclaim as Joseph did: “God wove great purpose into the lowest parts of my story along with the highest!”

As we learn to trust God with not only our worst but also our best this truth will begin to trickle down from our heads and seep into our hearts. The story and great purpose He has for each of us will unfold before the World for highest His glory.

And who knows, maybe one day we will be the wrinkled hand reaching out to remind someone of this great promise as our lives stand as testimony to His faithfulness, presence, and power.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purposes.” Philippians 2:13

Trusting His work,

(More of Nicki Behnke’s writings can be found at reallifeinreverse.blogspot.com)


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