Why Friendship Matters

Why Friendship Matters For the Family

“Flaws form the best glue for friendship. Indeed a friendship without many shared failures will remain stilted and lame. We connect with others not primarily through our strengths, but through our weaknesses.” Mike Mason

It’s so easy for us to say that we want, need, and long for deep friendships. We might even be able to convince ourselves that we have those right now. You may be a man OR a woman who thinks it’s better to be tough and strong for your spouse or family, yet remain private and closed. Or, you may be an individual who understands vulnerability. Either way, this is a challenge for you today:
Have you connected with a friend through your weaknesses? Have you been able to admit where you need help or where you DON’T excel in life?

It’s dangerous and way too easy to be a parent in the throws of raising children where we aim more to please and SHOW, than to be real, and even ASK for help.

My husband Ryan and I always laugh at the first year of our oldest daughter’s life. Why did we think all the parents around us knew EXACTLY what they were doing? Why did people portray that babies were always a breeze, toddlers just wore cute clothes and had trouble pronouncing their r’s, and elementary school kids were wonderful because they could finally dress themselves and buckle their own seat belts?

It’s HARD to talk about the stress of work with people. It’s HARD to admit that we can’t turn off and be a FAMILY man/woman when we get home. It’s HARD to confess that as a mom you feel lonely, struggle to spend quality time in the Word, and that many days you have to fight for joy.

That’s why we need people. We need depth in friendship. When you peel back the outer few layers of an onion, you get to the sweet tasting STRONG part that sends an aroma into an entire room. Is it time for you to peel back a few layers in your life in order to get to the REAL part of who you are and what you’re struggling with? Are you walking alone right now? Would you consider, today, that possibly God wants to enrich your role as a husband, wife, parent, and disciple of JESUS…by diving in deeper in your friendships?

“Jesus sent out his disciples two by two because he wanted his mission to be carried out by close friends working together. Friendship is not only the means, but the end of the gospel. Friendship IS the message Jesus wanted preached. Hence he prayed for us to “be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:23) Neither our kind deeds nor our preaching best reveals Jesus to people, but rather the depths of our friendships.” Mike Mason

I am convicted by this push for depth in friendships. I am convicted by the importance of vulnerability and honesty. I am also so thankful for the LOYAL women in my life who I have allowed to do that and who pursue me. Thank you Jesus for using PEOPLE to grow us.


Libby Snow

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