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5 Ways to Show Love to Your Children

As parents it is our job to show our children that we love them in a tangible way. While saying I love you is important – showing that we love our children is equally important. Here is a list of things to help motivate you to say I love you to your children through your actions. Always remember that you can never show your children too much love.

As parents it is our job to show our children that we love them in a tangible way. While saying I love you is important – showing that we love our children is equally important. We make it a priority every day to show each child we love them through various ways guided by their individual love languages. It has actually become quite fun coming up with new ways to show our children (and one another) how much we love them every day.

We created a list of things to help motivate you to say I love you to your children through your actions. While this is only a small list, we believe that each of these 5 suggestions is able to effectively communicate your love for your children.

5 Ways to Show Love to Your Children

1. Speak life into them every chance you get. This cannot be stressed enough. Be sure to speak life-giving words to your children as often as you can. What better way to show your love for your children than by speaking God’s word over them and into them?

2. Smile at your children often. This simple act of kindness shows your children you love them and helps boost their confidence. Smiling has been proven to reduce stress and increase the immune system. It has also been shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin making us feel better. This is a wonderful way to communicate love to your children.

3. Take time out to do something they enjoy. We don’t know about you, but sometimes we are not always thrilled doing some of the things our children ask us to do with them. But we do it anyway. We have found that the joy we see in their faces when we say “yes” to them and join them doing their favorite things tells them we love them in a very tangible way. And this is true with little ones on up to the teenagers. Our children never stop wanting to spend time with us – and we should see it as an honor to do so.

4. Listen to them. Listening to your children shows them you love them enough to value what they have to say. The simple act of listening has been something that we have watched each of our children thrive from. Not only does it show them we value what they say, but it gives us the opportunity to hear their hearts and know them better. Knowing our children’s hearts gives us the ability to learn to love them more deeply and effectively.

5. Hug them lots. Just like smiling, hugging has been proven to reduce stress, improve health (particularly lowering blood pressure), and also improve sleep. In addition to those wonderful health benefits, hugging has also been proven to help people connect on a deeper level spiritually, physically, and emotionally. This is another wonderful way to show your children you love them.

There are really countless ways to show your children how much you love them. Make it a habit to add a new way of showing your children love every so often. By doing so, you will bless your children and strengthen your relationship with them.

And always remember this: You can never show your children too much love!

Michael & Carlie Kercheval
Fulfilling Your Vows™
Learning to Speak Life Books


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  1. How do you show love to a wayward married adult daughter who has blamed GOD and her family for every thing that has gone wrong in her life. I am her mother and I can not get through to her Thank you, Elizabeth

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